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This project is for the purpose of making an exhibition for "les passants" or "passersby" in the public market. The project has begun thanks to "Marché Brueghel'Art", an art market projet initiated by the trade department of the city of Brussels, in which I am participating as one of founding artists members. The market takes place every Saturday in the parking place of La Chapelle in Brussels, place de la Chapelle, 1000, from April to October.
The way of surviving for a painting in the public place. Not to be a "painting". #picturepuzzle
One fine day in the market. This exhibition highly depends on weather.
I decided to change my display every time when I set my works up in this market. On the other hand, I decided this place, 4m x 3m of Canopy, to be my every Saturday's exhibition place. I hope that I could sell some my stuffs. But this will be, at least, an exhibition for "les passants (passersby)".
This painting caught the most of passers' eyes.
Who can be a painting in this view?
Oooooops. The plant fell down by strong wind. (Un)fortunately the portrait was there for the moment.
It was a very hot day. The market was almost empty because most of bruxellois have left for holidays. Although my display caught certain person's eyes. These moments were for me like a time to merchants in the shopping stores when big sales have been just finished.